330.648.3276 [email protected]

Expert Review

An expert review provides an immediate and action oriented analysis of the experience of your site, application, mobile app, or intranet. The review will reveal any large issues at the surface level and structural issues at the navigation level.

Reviews can be conducted at any stage in a design project: ideal when development timescales or budgets are tight. If done as a standalone we will suggest specific redesign solutions for correcting problems and enhancing the user experience.

Why Do an Expert Review

  • Enables improvements to be made quickly.
  • A low-cost and flexible way to evaluate user experience
  • Optimize interaction based on current usability research
  • Receive suggestions to reduce errors, improve navigation, and improve customer satisfaction

What Gets Delivered

  • Heuristics Report with Key Findings Outline
  • Actionable Results to Make Immediate Impact