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How to Write User Testing Tasks

How to Write User Testing Tasks

There is no better time then right now to start improving your eCommerce site. One of the most effective ways to improve your site is with user testing. It is one of the best ways to identify A/B testing ideas and improve your conversion rates. The key to these tests...
How to Find the Best A/B Testing Ideas

How to Find the Best A/B Testing Ideas

The first thing you need to do when planning an A/B test is to figure out where you should start. However, finding the best A/B testing ideas can be a challenge. A/B testing ideas can include making calls-to-action stand out more by making them bigger or changing...

Product Page Checklist

Turn your product pages into selling machines with little bit of your time and a couple of key things to focus on. Don’t wait another minute. Use this product page checklist to start optimizing your eCommerce product pages today. Improving your product pages is one of...

Emphasize Customers – Realize Value

It’s a huge value, you know that, right? If a business would place more emphasis on their customers’ instead of themselves they will see better results for both their customers and their business. In one well-known example, The $300 Million Button, UIE’s Jared Spool...

The ‘Wow’! It isn’t about the homepage

Three seconds if you’re lucky. It’s all you’ve got. You only have a few seconds to gain the interest of your visitor. It’s important to make those few seconds count when making a first impression. However, those few and precious seconds don’t always happen where you...

How To Create Killer Product Pages

It’s been called the most important page on your website. This is the page where a visitor makes the choice whether to add the product to their cart or to give up and go elsewhere. It isn’t good enough to leave this page to chance because if you do I can...